Season 1
The Living Christ
12 EPISODES • 1951
Season 1 of The Living Christ was released on January 7 and consists of 12 episodes.


1: Holy Night
Jan 7, 1951
Prophecies of Isaiah concerning the Messiah come to pass centuries after their foretelling with the annunciation and subsequent birth of Jesus Christ.
2: Escape to Egypt
Jan 14, 1951
Joseph and Mary remain in Bethlehem following Jesus' birth. Baby Jesus takes rites of presentation in Temple, as Simeon recognizes the child as the Christ. The Wise Men arrive, and King Herod attempts to outwit them. Joseph, warned in a dream of the King's murderous plans for the child, takes Mary and Jesus and escapes to Egypt.
3: Boyhood & Baptism
Jan 21, 1951
Joseph, Mary and Jesus return from Egypt, and the boy Jesus begins school training and Temple. Newly appointed governor Pontius Pilate faces pushback from Herod and the priest Caiaphas. John the Baptist arrives and his menace to the Herodian throne explained. Jesus is baptized.
4: Men of the Wilderness
Jan 28, 1951
Jesus seeks solitude in the wilderness for forty days, climaxed by three temptations. Returning to Jordan, He learns of John's imprisonment by Herod, who attempts to break the Baptist's spirit. Conflict arises between Herod and Herodias over disposal of John. Now the great ministry of Jesus begins. He calls His first disciple, the humble fisherman. Jesus heals of a mad man at Capernaum, and cures the sick and lame in the courtyard of Peter's home.
5: Challenge of Faith
Feb 4, 1951
Christ begins a preaching ministry with His first disciples, Peter, Andrew, James and John. John the Baptist is secretly visited in prison by friends. On the shore of Galilee, Jesus renews friendship with the disciples' old fishing companions, and Jesus calls Matthew to discipleship. Jesus heals a paralytic.
6: Discipleship
Feb 11, 1951
As Jesus' popularity rages, multitudes follow Him. After a night in prayer, He chooses twelve from a group of disciples whom He names Apostles. Jesus gives the Sermon on the Mount, instructs on prayer and offers the Lord's Prayer before healing a leper.
7: Return to Nazareth
Feb 18, 1951
Jesus heals a centurion's servant and attends the wedding at Cana, where He changes water into wine. At Nazareth, He rejects. Nicodemus visits at midnight. Jesus explains spiritual birth, forgives the sins of a woman at Samaria and her witness, and His parable of the Good Samaritan.
8: Conflict
Feb 25, 1951
As increasing political intrigue in Jerusalem builds to Christ's crucifixion, loyalty to Jesus of the man born blind, and Jesus' reassurances. Despite gathering clouds, Jesus' concern is still for others like Mary and Martha of Bethany, to whom He emphasizes importance of spiritual concerns over the material. Returning to Galilee, Jesus sends the Apostles on their first missionary trip.
9: Fate of John the Baptist
Mar 4, 1951
From prison, John the Baptist sends messengers to ask Jesus, 'Are you He who was to come, or shall we look for another?' Jesus sends John affirmation, bidding messengers to tell the Baptist all they have seen and heard. After they depart, Jesus confirms that He is the Messiah and that John the Baptist was His forerunner as prophesied. Herod has a banquet, Salome dances, and John the Baptist is executed. Jesus, told of the Baptist's death, informs His disciples.
10: Retreat & Decision
Mar 11, 1951
Jesus withdraws with the twelve to lands beyond Herod's jurisdiction. The disciples know it is a critical period in the Master's life, He reveals now that they are the Church, predicts His death and resurrection. Peter, James and John witness the transfiguration. Jesus heals the epileptic boy, blesses little children, and raises Lazarus from the dead. Jesus' triumphal entry to Jerusalem is halted at Temple gates when He spots money changers in the courtyard.
11: Triumph & Defeat
Mar 18, 1951
Jesus returns to the Temple, overthrows the moneychangers' tables, and in holy wrath denounces their perversion of religion. His reputation increases and men say He is the Messiah. In an upper room, Jesus eats His last supper with the Apostles, prays at the Garden of Gethsemane, as Judas approaches with the Temple guards and betrays Jesus with a kiss. Jesus is put to trial before Pilate and Herod where He is beaten and mocked by the crowds, Pilate washes his hands of the affair and delivers Jesus to the will of Sanhedrin.
12: Crucifixion & Resurrection
Mar 25, 1951
Jesus pulls His cross to Calvary, where He is crucified. Judas rejects Caiaphas' silver coins, and hangs himself with his sash. Jesus' tomb is sealed, then uncovered empty. Christ reappears to His disciples in the upper room, and doubting Thomas brings Jesus' words 'Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe,' to one and all.
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