Season 2

Season 2 of Godzilla was originally scheduled for release around October 2024, but due to unexpected delays, the exact release date has yet to be confirmed.

The good news is that Godzilla is still in active production, and an exciting announcement is expected in the near future.

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Season 1


1: The City In The Clouds
A freak cyclonic storm sucks both the Calico and Godzilla, the latter of whom unsuccessfully attempted to rescue the hapless ship from the vortex, into an amazing futuristic city that floats above the clouds, unseen by the surface world. The human looking cloud dwellers befriend the Calico crew, but the latter soon learns that the cloud city is repeatedly menaced by a giant, electricity spewing flying monster they call the Power Dragon. Godzilla defends the city, sending the Power Dragon fleeing back to the clouds. Awed by Godzilla, and realizing that the Kaiju King can protect the cloud city from the Power Dragon, the leader of the floating metropolis attempts to steal the signal device from Capt. Majors. Taking the Calico crew captive, the leader offers to return them to the surface in exchange for Godzilla's permanent servitude to the sky city, but they refuse. Later, the Power Dragon attacks the city again, and Godzilla battles the winged kaiju once more, this time sending th
2: The Cyborg Whale
A robotic whale has been developed by unknown parties working for the government for the purpose of undersea plankton mining, and Brock and Pete are aboard doing a test drive (the whale is not truly a cyborg as the title of the episode proclaims, but is actually a robot; see the comments below). However, when the Cyborg Whale is struck by lightening during an unexpected thunderstorm, the robot's computers are damaged, and the device runs amok, heading on a deadly collision course with Honolulu. Although Godzilla is called to the rescue, he is unable to use his full power against the Cyborg Whale for fear of harming Brock and Pete, who are trapped inside, and the robotic cetacean's built-in weaponry fends off the Big G's attempts to halt it without damaging it. Finally, Brock and Pete manage to open the robot's porthole and are flown to safety by Godzooky. Thus, just before it reaches the coast of Hawaii, Godzilla is able to bring his full power to bear on the robot, and as a resu
3: Microgodzilla
As the Calico sails through a strange pink mist, a tiny fly is affected by the mysterious cloud and begins growing larger. When Godzilla is called to their aid, he drives the giant fly away but is also exposed to the mist himself in the process. Godzilla begins to grow smaller and smaller, and the crew also realize that wherever the fly is, it must be growing increasingly larger. To save Godzilla from shrinking into oblivion, and to protect themselves from the repeated attacks of the giant fly, Dr. Darian struggles to come up with an antidote by analyzing small samples of the pink mist. Godzilla eventually shrinks to the point that he is attacked by a mouse aboard the ship (how did it get aboard, and didn't the Calico crew ever see it before?), and as he continues shrinking even further, the crew loses track of his whereabouts. Later, the miniaturized Kaiju King is forced to battle a spider who ultimately webs him up (this arachnid, unlike Spiega, accurately spins its web from its p
4: Pacific Peril
A series of violent undersea earthquakes are causing large amounts of underwater volcanoes to appear in the Pacific Ocean depths, and this prompts the Calico to investigate. Traveling inside one of the volcanoes, the crew is menaced by a herd of large fire breathing reptiles who appear to thrive on the molten lava within. Godzilla is called to free the crew from the volcano, but another earthquake opens a fissure in the Earth that traps the Kaiju King deep within the planet's crust undersea. Meanwhile, the crew manages to evade the fire lizards and discover the source of the earthquakes, a fallen Jupiter Probe rocket, which has become imbedded within two coastal tectonic plates. Going aboard the rocket, the crew attempts to utilize it to return to the surface, but are unable to activate its damaged engines. Godzilla finally bursts free from the earth's crust and enters the volcano in time to save Godzooky from the fire lizards. The Big G then brings the rocket containing the Cali
5: The Beast Of Storm Island
When the Calico is accidentally beached on an atoll called Storm Island, Capt. Majors, Dr. Darian, and Brock fall under the hypnotic control of the gigantic bipedal cobra-like kaiju called Axor, who uses this power to dominate the entire human population of the island. Axor acquires this ability from power enhancing vapors generated from within the interior of the monster's mountainous lair, and because of this power, Godzilla is unable to defeat Axor, and also falls under the beast's hypnotic thrall. Pete and Godzooky manage to escape from Axor, and flee to the monster's lair, where they too are exposed to the vapors, and it enhances their physical abilities to extraordinary levels. Utilizing these new abilities, they escape from entrapment in the pit where the vapors issue forth, and the newly empowered Godzooky finds that he is powerful enough to hold his own in battle with Axor (the Little G is finally able to breathe real fire rather than settle for mere puffs of smoke). How
6: Moonlode
A lunar eclipse causes a violent moonquake [although how this happens is beyond me, since unlike the Earth, the moon is geologically dead and doesn't have quakes], which releases a hibernating, energized monster that lands on the Earth in the Pacific Ocean. Utilizing his gravitational powers, the moon monster creates a giant whirlpool that imperils the Calico and its crew. Calling on Godzilla, the Big G battles the moon monster and ultimately hurls the creature back into space, where he's recaptured by the moon's gravity (that was one hell of a feat, even for Godzilla!).
7: The Golden Guardians
An archeological expedition in India is attacked by a giant golden animated Oriental statue, and this incident prompts an investigation by the Calico crew. Arriving in the Indian city of Kali-Noor, the crew discover that several giant golden guardian statues are being animated and controlled by a xenophobic Indian high priest utilizing a supernatural power object called the dreamstone, who is determined to scare away any outsiders to the sub-continent, whom he believes will covet the city's ancient treasures. Godzilla is called upon to battle one of the Golden Guardians, only to be immobilized by mystical beams of energy from the living statue's eyes, which encase the King of the Monsters in a shell of gold, thereby placing him in suspended animation. Although the Calico crew manages to shatter the dreamstone, this doesn't simply cause the Golden Guardians to become immobile once more, but instead results in the statues running amok. When the crew realize that the energy beams
8: Calico Clones
When the Calico is sent on a top secret mission to a government controlled oil field, the crew is captured by an evil scientist called Votrang [why the government sent the Calico crew instead of the CIA or the Navy SEALS is beyond me, as is the fact that they would take Pete and Godzooky on such a dangerous mission in the first place, considering society's current attitude against youth as helpless innocents; this made about as much sense as all of those token women characters added into period film adaptations of various novels written in the 19th and very early 20th centuries simply to allow for romantic tension with the male characters in the script, including the several film versions of The Lost World produced through the decades; then again, this series was geared towards younger audiences, which may explain this conundrum]. Votrang utilized his scientific genius to create sentient but subservient clones of the entire crew, including Godzooky, to replace the real crew in the h
9: Ghost Ship
While sailing the Pacific, the Calico crew discover what appears to be a World War II submarine encased in ice, and they summon Godzilla, who frees the old vessel by means of his fiery breath. The crew of the submarine is discovered to be alive and in suspended animation, and after 60 years on ice, they are awakened by the Calico crew. The submarine crewmen incorrectly believe that the war is still going on, causing them to inadvertently release a torpedo, which heads towards the Calico. Godzilla intercepts the torpedo and brings it underwater, but it explodes before he can safely dispose of it, stunning the King of the Monsters in the process. The resulting shock waves disturb a giant octopus, which comes to the surface and grabs the submarine in its tentacles. Godzooky manages to revive Godzilla, who grapples with the octopus and returns it to its underwater cavern, and then sealing it inside with his laser beam vision. Finally, the submarine crew is taken back to civilization
10: The Macro Beasts
Nov 17, 1979
Pet and Brock go with Godzooky to an island but a new Volcano appears and they become trapped in visor when the volcano erupts and starts to close treating to crash them Godzooky cries out and Godzilla emerges from the water and arrives on the island to save the three of them then take them back to the Calico and then Godzilla takes the Calico far away form the Volcano and return to the ocean. Later on Pet and Brock spot a group of Seas Horses that where as big as real horses (That's want Pet said) then they spot a giant jellyfish so Brock and Quinn take the Mini-copter and checks out the volcano Quinn spots purple stuff poring out of the Volcano into the water. They are soon attacked by a Giant Manta Ray and hit the back propeller causing them to fall but luckily Godzilla shows up to save then and dose battle with the Manta Ray and forces it away. Later on Quinn and Brock took a Mini-Sub and Quinn took some of the purple stuff they where attacked by a Giant Crab but escaped but not be
11: Valley Of The Giants
While searching for the headwaters of the Mitibu River, a group of workers are suddenly attacked by a colony of giant ants that appear out of a crevice in a nearby mountainside, forcing the men to flee. Investigating the incident, the Calico crew journey within the crevice and discover a hidden valley where giant insects dominate, and an inconvenient earthquake seals the fissure and traps the crew within. Dr. Darian discovers that when sunlight is filtered through the strange clouds that surround the valley, a chemical reaction occurs in the insects that vastly increases their size. Menaced by the valley's giant ants and bees, Godzilla is called, and he quickly dispatches the bees. After hurling away a tank-sized beetle that attacked the crew, Godzilla finds himself in battle with the king of the valley's population of giant insects, an enormous spider (spiders are actually arachnids, not insects, but the two are nevertheless close relatives). Godzilla is defeated when he is bitt
12: Island Of Doom
Dec 1, 1979
An evil paramilitary organization calling itself COBRA has acquired a series of ICBM missiles, and threatens to launch them on all the major cities in the world unless the United Nations accedes to their demands for world domination. The Calico crew discovers the secret island base of COBRA, and are taken prisoner by the organization. They still manage to summon Godzilla to the island, and upon arriving, the Kaiju King battles and defeats the organization's large military arsenal. Upon reaching COBRA's nuclear reactor, Godzilla destroys it, thereby ending the organization's threat, and after rescuing his human allies, they see to it that the villains are arrested by a United Nations Task Force.
13: The Deadly Asteroid
Dec 8, 1979
Temperatures across the Earth begin dropping to unusually low levels, and the Calico crew travel to the North Pole to investigate a UFO sighting, which they suspect to be connected to the temperature aberrations in some way. The crew then discovers that numerous icebergs are present, and the water levels are dropping at an alarming rate due to the freezing of the oceans. The source of the problem is also discovered hidden in one of the icebergs, which turns out to be a spaceship containing an advanced race of cold temperature dwelling, semi-humanoid hostile aliens referred to as the Ice People, who hail from the frigid asteroid Frios. By using their ultra-sophisticated magnetic wave generators, the Ice People declare to the Calico crew their intentions to direct Frios to Earth, thereby causing the planet to enter a new Ice Age to make the world more palatable to the aliens for future conquest [actually, bringing such a large asteroid near the Earth would cause far more damage than a
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