Season 47
Days of Our Lives
51 EPISODES • 2011
Season 47 of Days of Our Lives was released on November 8 and consists of 51 episodes.

Season 46


1: Episode 1
Nov 8, 2011
Madison wakes up realizing what she and Brady did last night. Victor tells Maggie that nobody is unable to make it due to the storm, asks if she wants to postpone the ceremony. Melanie asks Daniel if he's concerned that Jennifer and Jack are doing more then skiing. Brady admits to Madison…
142: Episode 142
May 29, 2012
Lexie attempts to convince E.J. to resign as Mayor and encourage Abe as his replacement. As much as E.J. loves Lexie, he cannot give in to her wish. E.J. admits to Lexie that he is not Stefano's biological son and Stefano has basically disowned him. Sami finds Will at the DiMera mansion and they are able to start mending fences. Jack and Jennifer celebrate their anniversary and new engagement with Abby. Cameron runs into them at the town square and Jack and Jennifer are surprised when he tells them he is Lexie's brother. Later, Jack gets information from a source that E.J. wants to run for governor but do it secretly.
145: Episode 145
Jun 1, 2012
Lucas takes the gun he finds Will with and puts it into the Brady Pub safe after he tells Sami about what happened they return and find that the gun is gone. Kate gets the divorce papers from Stefano that say that he is enacting a non-compete clause so Kate won't be able to work for MadWorld. E.J. confronts Stefano and shoots rounds off into the wall. Abe is the next to confront Stefano. Later Will, Hope, Bo, John, Kate, and Marlena all take their turn at Stefano. Stefano is able to talk all of them to their senses or so he thinks. Someone returns as Stefano sits in his chair and shoots him.
146: Episode 146
Jun 4, 2012
The residents of Salem begin to hear the news that Stefano has been shot and killed. Roman is investigating the case and tells Bo and Hope that they are suspects and not allowed to work the case. The gun used to shoot Stefano is left at the scene and Bo and Hope say they have never seen it. The gun ends up coming back registered to Abe but there are several sets of fingerprints on the gun. Turns out that each of people that confronted Stefano returned to the house and ended up touching the gun. Lexie is devastated when she hears the news even though Abe tries to keep it from her.
147: Episode 147
Jun 5, 2012
Roman begins to question various suspects in Stefano's death. Since it is a high profile case, an officer shadows Roman to each suspects questioning. Abe admits that he did see Stefano and threatened him but decided he couldn't kill him and left the gun at the mansion so he wouldn't be tempted. Lexie believes Abe and later tells him that she doesn't want to know who might of killed Stefano if it ends up being someone they know. Roman than questions Kate who doesn't tell the entire truth. Sami runs into E.J. and she can't help but think about herself and position at Countess W.
148: Episode 148
Jun 6, 2012
Roman asks Bo, Hope, John and Marlena to take a gun shot residue test and tells them he isn't happy that they all didn't tell the entire truth about returning to the mansion. Sonny isn't happy when he finds out Will used him to follow Stefano's order to tell Rafe about Sami and E.J. and Sonny isn't thrilled when Will attempts to use him again to test Sami. Roman shows up at the coffee shop to question Will and Sami blurts out that Lucas found Will with a gun. The paternity test results come back on Nicole's baby showing that Rafe is the father. Daniel tells Nicole and Rafe that he couldn't allow another child's life to be ruined by the DiMera's.
149: Episode 149
Jun 7, 2012
Roman asks Will what happened to the gun Lucas put in the safe at the Pub. Will says that he took it out and took it apart and dumped pieces all around time. Roman has Will take a gun shot residue test and it comes back positive. Roman is forced to arrest his grandson. Gabi has Andrew put a dead rat in her salad that opens in front of Chad and Melanie. Chad and Melanie insist on calling the police. Rafe overhears and demands that Gabi quit modeling. Austin is excited about planning for the baby with Carrie.
150: Episode 150
Jun 11, 2012
Will is arrested for killing Stefano. Lucas and Sami worry that the blackmailing will come to light and make Will look even quilter. Jennifer and Jack visit Lexie. Kayla tells Abe that he can talk to her if he needs to.
151: Episode 151
Jun 12, 2012
E.J. posts Will's bond which means Will is back under E.J.'s thumb. Roman tells Marlena and John that Will was arrested. Rafe suggests that Carrie represent Will which Sami refuses. Roman decides that he can no longer run the investigation and asks Rafe to take over.
152: Episode 152
Jun 13, 2012
Stefano's loved ones gather for his memorial and each takes a moment to say their good-byes. Chad finds out that Will was arrested and confronts him. Gabi tells Andrew that he can't go around doing stalker type things to her unless she tells him revealing that the rat was all Andrew's idea. Andrew sets up a room and looks at a picture of Chad and Gabi. Sami tells Marlena that she thinks E.J. is hiding something from her.
153: Episode 153
Jun 14, 2012
Melanie tries to talk Chad down but he just gets angry that Melanie would defend Will. Melanie takes off and is later followed by Andrew. Gabi convinces Chad to wait to call Melanie and apologize. Brady offers to take a drug test after the incident with the MadWorld client. Will wonders if E.J. was the one that killed Stefano.
154: Episode 154
Jun 15, 2012
Victor begs for Maggie's forgiveness. Kayla tells Abe and Jennifer that things are probably over for her and Steve. Hope and Bo have a session with Marlena where they discuss what happened in Alamainia with John.
155: Episode 155
Jun 18, 2012
Maggie decides to give Victor another chances but insists that they tell Daniel the truth about Victor's role in getting Daniel's parents the eggs. Brady asks Daniel to give him a drug test and explains that he has been on edge. Later, they visit Victor and Maggie. While Brady and Maggie discuss being an addict, Victor warns Daniel about Nicole unaware of Daniel's feelings for her. Abby scores tickets to a Black Eyed Peas concert but Cameron isn't available to leave town. Abby passes off the tickets to a stranger and spends the day with Cameron.
156: Episode 156
Jun 19, 2012
Abe arranges for a picnic in Lexie's flower garden. Lexie dies peacefully in Abe's arms. Sami agrees to let Carrie be Will's lawyer but assumes that Carrie knew that Rafe had taken over the investigation and wanted to use Will's case to get close to Rafe. Neil comes forward with an alibi for Will. Andrew kidnaps Melanie.
157: Episode 157
Jun 20, 2012
Bo and Hope are watching Theo when he tells them Lexie went to heaven. They rush over to Abe and Lexie's to find that Theo sensed the Lexie has passed. Ghost Lexie encourages Abe that Theo needs him and asks Theo to look after his father. Abe and E.J. put the past behind them to honor Lexie's wish. Neil arrives at the police station and announces that he was with Will at a gay night club the night Stefano was murdered. Roman refuses to believe it but Will tells him that it is true. Gabi tells Andrew that Melanie has taken off and Andrew brings Gabi to his place where Melanie is locked in the basement. Melanie tries to use a hair pin to get out of the room.
158: Episode 158
Jun 21, 2012
John and Marlena show up at Abe's after hearing the news about Lexie. While there they get the news that the charges against Will have been dropped. John is surprised by the news that Will is gay but when he sees Will later he tells him how proud he is of him. Melanie nearly escapes when Andrew returns and forces her back into the room. Gabi steers Chad away from contacting Melanie. Celeste insists that Cameron stay away from Abby.
159: Episode 159
Jun 22, 2012
Kate sends Carrie a not so subtle message warning Carrie not to hurt Austin again. Will nearly sees the letter from Alice about E.J. not being Stefano's son. Agent Ellis is put in charge of the case of Stefano's death. Daniel and Nicole consider their options.
160: Episode 160
Jun 25, 2012
Sami worries about Will being publicly outed by the newspapers and about Will going back to work for E.J. Bo writes his eulogy to Lexie. Daniel and Nicole continue to get closer. Will promises Sonny he will get the upper hand with E.J. E.J. meets with his lawyer and holds him to keeping the truth about E.J. not being Stefano's son to himself.
161: Episode 161
Jun 26, 2012
Sami asks E.J. to stop blackmailing Will. Lucas realizes that Sonny has a crush on Will. Rafe thinks that evidence of E.J. shooting Stefano will be at his apartment but they cannot get a search warrant.
162: Episode 162
Jun 27, 2012
Kate realizes that Ian is drugging Brady. Madison opens up the test results that show Brady tested positive. Brady confronts Ian. Nicole fakes a dizzy spell to get E.J. out of his apartment and she rummages around until she finds a box of bullets. E.J. and Chad decide to put aside their differences to try and build a relationship. Melanie tries again to break free of Andrew. Rafe makes up an excuse to see Carrie.
163: Episode 163
Jun 28, 2012
Kayla gives Abe a DVD Lexie made before she died. Nicole shows Roman and Rafe the box of bullets she found at E.J.'s apartment that have one missing. Roman notes they cannot use that evidence so Nicole obtained it illegally. Brady confronts Ian about drugging him and destroys his office.
164: Episode 164
Jun 29, 2012
Lexie's loved ones gather in her memory and share their favorite memories. Daniel and Nicole share dinner.
165: Episode 165
Jul 2, 2012
Sami finds out that Carrie is pregnant. Rafe bluffs in an attempt to get E.J. to take a polygraph. Will finds the letter from Alice that says E.J. is not a DiMera.
166: Episode 166
Jul 3, 2012
Sami confronts Rafe about Carrie's pregnancy. E.J. overhears Rafe saying he never slept with Carrie but thinks that he means Nicole. Daniel and Nicole sleep together again. Will has the upper hand with E.J. Carrie and Austin have a doctors appointment.
167: Episode 167
Jul 4, 2012
Will lays out his demands for keeping the truth about E.J. not being Stefano's son a secret. Chad thinks Gabi should move out if her talker isn't bothering her anymore. Gabi discovers that Andrew is keeping Melanie hostage. Rafe tells Carrie that Sami confronted him about her pregnancy.
168: Episode 168
Jul 5, 2012
Kayla encourages Abby to admit her feelings to Cameron. Later, Abby overhears Cameron taking a job and going to Chicago but it turns out that it is just for training and Cameron will be staying in Salem. Ian sets Brady up when he goes to score drugs and has someone take pictures of him. Andrew tells Gabi that if she tells anyone about Melanie he will tell them Gabi was in on the whole thing.
169: Episode 169
Jul 6, 2012
Will demands that E.J. take the lie detector test. Madison seeks advice from Maggie. Brady admits to Madison that he bought drugs. Daniel is upset when Nicole doesn't acknowledge to Rafe that he is in he room and that Nicole checked her appearance before answering the door. Carrie and Rafe ended up working together again on a case.
170: Episode 170
Jul 9, 2012
E.J. shows up for the lie detector test but becomes angry when one of the control questions is if he is Stefano's son. After E.J. calms down the test resumes. Later, the lie detector administrator meets with a mysterious person who gives him money. Roman tells E.J. that he failed the lie detector test. Kate nearly takes one of Ian's packets of drugs he was slipping in Brady's protein shakes. Nicole tricks Daniel when they play basketball. Madison demands the Brady be honest with her. Carrie continues to fantasize about Rafe even as her and Austin look at homes.
171: Episode 171
Jul 10, 2012
E.J. worries about a recall if it gets out that he failed a lie detector test. Daniel is still considered about Nicole having feelings for someone else namely Rafe. The mystery person has found gloves that E.J. throw in the trash. Lucas warns Will to stay away from E.J. and Sami discusses E.J.'s problems with him.
172: Episode 172
Jul 11, 2012
Lucas asks John and Marlena for their help with Will. Sami questions E.J.'s innocence. Melanie attempts to make friends with Andrew and another escape. Chad finally talks to Carly and finds out that Melanie is not with her.
173: Episode 173
Jul 12, 2012
Chad and Daniel go to the police to report Melanie missing. Gabi tries to convince Andrew to let Melanie go but he has Gabi on tape. E.J. and Sami argue and kiss. John announces he is going to try and take over DiMera Enterprises.
174: Episode 174
Jul 13, 2012
Rafe, Roman and Agent Spencer search E.J.'s apartment after obtaining a search warrant. A mystery person plants a pair of gloves in E.J.'s apartment. Chad takes matters into his own hands and ends up at Andrew's place where Gabi is trying to warn Andrew but he has already moved Melanie. Lucas walks in on E.J. and Sami and assumes the worst.
175: Episode 175
Jul 16, 2012
E.J. arrives at his apartment just as Roman, Rafe and Agent Spencer find the gloves. E.J. believes that they planted them there but Roman tells him that have it all on videotape. The search for Melanie continues as Chad arrives at the house that Andrew was keeping her and sees Melanie's bracelet on the floor and forces his way into the house. Gabi hides in the basement room and pretends to be knocked out when Bo gets the door open. Ian finds Kate's divorce papers.
176: Episode 176
Jul 17, 2012
Hope finds Gabi's number written on a piece of paper in the room Andrew held Melanie in and they figure that whoever took Melanie must of been after Gabi and she doesn't refute the idea. Melanie realizes that Andrew brought her to the tunnels under Salem and tries to tell him that they are toxic. Nicole sticks by Daniel's side as they search for Melanie. Carrie decides that she can't be in Salem anymore with her feeling for Rafe and tells Austin she wants to go back to Switzerland.
177: Episode 177
Jul 18, 2012
Abe plans a fundraiser in Lexie's honor. John can't get the DiMera board member to agree to let him take over DiMera Enterprises. Sami realizes there maybe something to clear E.J.'s name as Rafe gets more evidence to make an arrest. Daniel sees Rafe and Nicole together and tries to distance himself from her. Will realizes that he no longer has Alice's letter that says E.J. is not a DiMera.
178: Episode 178
Jul 19, 2012
Will realizes that Lucas must of found the letter but is to late and Lucas hands it over to Rafe. John lets Ian get under his skin about Brady. E.J. tells Sami they will always have a connection. Carrie tells Rafe and Roman that she and Austin are moving back to Switzerland.
179: Episode 179
Jul 20, 2012
Bo and Hope find information on Melanie's kidnapper who has a criminal history and escaped for a mental hospital. When they show Gabi the picture of Andrew but give his real name she pretends not to have ever seen him. Chad recognizes him from the Countess W shoots. Sami and E.J. find surveillance footage of E.J. throwing the gloves away and someone coming and taking them out. Will angrily confronts Lucas about turning over the letter. Rafe, Roman and Agent Spencer arrive at the DiMera mansion to arrest E.J. Melanie pleads with Andrew to move them because the tunnel is starting to fall apart. Andrew leaves to find a new place but leaves Melanie behind and she ends up being knocked out by falling debris.
180: Episode 180
Jul 23, 2012
Ian is revealed as the mystery man as he remember pulling the gloves out of the trash and has a tech person erase the surveillance footage. Sami is upset that E.J. didn't tell her that he wasn't Stefano's real son. Brady and Madison announces that they are getting married the very next day. Daniel thinks that Nicole is trying to seduce him while his daughter is missing but Nicole explains she just wants Daniel to take care of himself.
181: Episode 181
Jul 24, 2012
Sami reveals that she saved a copy of the surveillance footage to a flash drive. Bo and Hope start to realize that Gabi's story is not adding up. Chad finds out the E.J. has been arrested for Stefano's murder. Melanie is able to convince Andrew to take off his mask and gets her hands on his cell phone. Carrie and Austin say their good-byes. Sami is attacked.
182: Episode 182
Jul 25, 2012
Sami is attacked and the memory stick is stolen. E.J. can't make bail because he is cut off from the DiMera money. Melanie is able to get a call out to Chad but he can barely here her. All Chad makes out is tunnels and Brady figures she must be in the tunnels under Salem. Jack gives his approval on Cameron.
183: Episode 183
Jul 26, 2012
The tunnels continue to fall around Melanie, Andrew and Gabi. Melanie realizes that something is going on between Gabi and Andrew. Brady and Chad continue to search the tunnels. Sami uses Countess W as collateral to bail out E.J. from jail. Roman gets a call from a mystery person telling him the E.J.'s plane is ready to leave the country. Victor tries to warn Daniel about Nicole.
184: Episode 184
Jul 27, 2012
Salem gathers for a fundraiser in Lexie's honor for autism research. E.J. is able to remove his ankle bracelet and leave it behind. E.J. and Sami go to a abandoned warehouse where Will meets up with them with Johnny and Sydney. After Will and the kids have left, Roman moves in having followed Will. Andrew is getting ready to reveal all to Melanie when another explosion hits and knocks Andrew out. Melanie goes to get help while Gabi stays behind saying she can't walk with a hurt ankle. Gabi tries to move the debris off of Andrew when Chad arrives. Chad demands answers from Andrew who tells him to ask Gabi. Melanie finds Brady in the tunnels. Madison thinks that Brady has stood her up for their wedding. In the tunnels, explosions happen all over the place and rock the fundraiser. E.J. tries to hold on to Sami who is dangling from a ledge at the warehouse.
185: Episode 185
Aug 13, 2012
The town is thrown into chaos after the explosion in the tunnel. Ian cradles a dying Madison in his arms telling her that he was only using Kate unaware that Kate is listening to everything. Daniel works to free a trapped Nicole who is going into premature labor. Jack has to overcome his PTSD to help save Abby who was in the elevator when the explosion hit. Will finds out that Sami is at the warehouse and rushes to find her. Sami tells E.J. to let her go so they both don't get pulled down by Will arrives in time to help E.J. lift Sami back up. Brady suddenly has an urgent feeling to get out of the tunnel just as Madison dies. Chad asks Gabi why Andrew said to ask her where Melanie went but Gabi is able to cover saying the Melanie had went ahead when Gabi faked her hurt ankle.
186: Episode 186
Aug 14, 2012
Sami refuses to let E.J. go alone and Will says he will cover for them. Will finds Lucas passed out and lies to him about seeing Sami. Lucas goes to the warehouse to search and Will eventually admits that Sami is safe and has left with E.J. Theo helps find a little girls missing mother. Bo helps Daniel remove the debris from Nicole but Daniel is knocked out by more falling debris. Jack and Cameron are able to open the elevator doors enough for Jack to get in. Jack and Abby share a special moment as the elevator cables continue to snap. Cameron is able to open the doors again and Abby gets out but time runs out for Jack as the cable snap and the elevator plummets to the ground.
187: Episode 187
Aug 15, 2012
Kate confronts Ian about using her and he angrily admits that he killed Stefano. Daniel and Bo continue to search for Nicole but when they get through the debris Nicole is gone. Later, they find Nicole wandering around and in labor. Melanie has to revive Brady after debris falls on him. They eventually find a way out of the tunnel and are hugging when Chad and Gabi find them. Roman gives Jennifer and Abby the bad news that Jack died instantly from his injuries.
188: Episode 188
Aug 16, 2012
Sami and E.J. settle into the safe house. Nicole's labor stops and Bo gives her the news that E.J. took off. Melanie is reunited with Daniel. Brady arrives at Madison's room to find Kate and gets the bad news that Madison didn't make it. Jennifer finally breaks down over Jack's death.
189: Episode 189
Aug 17, 2012
Sami and E.J.'s make out session is interrupted by a crypt message from someone saying they have information to clear E.J. name. Sami ends up spilling tea on herself and changes into the skimpy dress Silvio bought and Sami sees that someone is trying to get in through the door. Before Sami can figure out who is at the door Rafe grabs her from behind. Kate tries to push Brady into attacking Ian by telling him that Ian was messing with Madison's head about Brady. John shows up and demands Kate leave and not use Brady for her revenge on Ian. Kate finds Lucas at the coffee place and finds out the Lucas is through with Sami. Melanie is reunited with Maggie and gives her statement to Roman. Gabi worries that she will be exposed. Later a patient into the room and it turns out to be Andrew. Daniel tells Maggie that he can't use Nicole anymore just because he is afraid of being alone. E.J. is knocked out.
190: Episode 190
Aug 20, 2012
Melanie and Gabi are shocked when they realize the patient is Andrew. Melanie runs off to get help while Andrew grabs Gabi's arm. Chad overhears everything Gabi and Andrew say to each other and knows that Gabi knew Andrew and Gabi admits that she didn't really have a stalker but never wanted Andrew to kidnap or hurt Melanie. E.J. comes to and realizes he has been kidnapped by Ian. Daniel tries to tell Nicole that they should cool things off but is interrupted by Maggie telling him that Andrew is in the hospital. By the time Daniel gets to Andrew he is dead. Chad decides to keep Gabi's deception a secret. Tad confronts Will about being gay. Sonny kisses Will.
191: Episode 191
Aug 21, 2012
Ian reveals that Stefano is alive and he has been holding him hostage for information. Ian also reveals that he changed the paternity test and Stefano is indeed E.J.'s father. Maggie informs Daniel that Jack has died and thinks Daniel still has feelings for Jennifer. Will rebuffs Sonny's kiss but after talking to Marlena realizes that he may have feelings for Sonny. Rafe waits with Sami for E.J. to return. Abby and Jennifer read Jack's book.
192: Episode 192
Aug 22, 2012
Will catches Sonny with Brian and misreads the moment. Lucas tries to get Will to come to Jennifer's with him about Will is to upset. People gather at Jennifer's to comfort her and Abby about Jack's death. Jennifer gets a plant left at the door with no name. Chad demands that Gabi leave and move her stuff out of his apartment. Gabi runs into Will and the two end up kissing. E.J. is able to knock out Ian and calls a anonymous tip into the police that Ian has kidnapped someone. E.J. leaves Stefano tied up since he is still mad that Stefano attempted to disown him when he thought E.J. wasn't his son. Silvio attacks Rafe with a knife and Sami uses Rafe's gun to shoot at Silvio and the bullet grazes his arm. Tad shows up at the coffee shop and confronts Sonny about "turning" Will gay. Bo and Hope arrive at the location after tracking E.J.'s call and find Stefano alive.
193: Episode 193
Aug 23, 2012
E.J. finds Sami and Rafe having a moment together when he returns to the safe house. Bo and Hope bring Stefano under disguise to the hospital. Daniel informs Nicole that Stefano is very much alive and promises that he and Rafe will continue to protect her baby. Roman tells Kate that Stefano is alive but Bo and Hope refuse to let her see him. Jennifer and Abby head to London to be with JJ. Will and Gabi sleep together. Justin finds Sonny knocked out on the floor after Tad punched him but refuses to allow Justin to call the police.
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